Working on the consumer’s side, thanks to this document Biobridges designed guidelines and recommendations for raising their awareness on bioeconomy and BBPs, in particular suggesting actions that could inform and address them towards more sustainable purchase choices.
This document and the actions proposed are based mainly on a survey – delivered from July to October 2020 – that collected 1.014 replies from 39 countries, of which the large majority of them (84,3%) came from people not involved or working in the bioeconomy sector. The results are also consolidated by the insights harvested during the 24 co-creation events organised by the Biobridges project from March 2019 and December 2020.
The survey – designed without the use of technical jargon and made available in nine languages (Croatian, English, Estonian, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish) in order to allow a wider participation – aimed to assess the consumers’ awareness on the bioeconomy and BBPs, the perceived positive and negative impacts of BBPs, the consumers’ purchase habits (their willing to pay and the motivation to buy BBPs) and the sectors in which they would be in favour or not to buy such products, the usefulness of labels in guiding consumers’ choices and the information that they would find there, and – finally – what are the best actors and channels to inform consumers about BBPs. The expressed preferences on such topics were mainly analysed and presented (chapter §4) according to the nationality, gender, age, education, work and typology of stakeholders of the respondents. Given this, in each paragraph of the chapter §4, the reader will find some highlights on the main findings on that specific topics.