On November and December 2019, Biobridges launched an ambitious social media campaign under the hashtag #BioHeroes. This was an initiative to raise interest, motivate and involve people to support the communication and dissemination of the bioeconomy and create awareness on bio-based products.
But what is a BioHeroe? For us a BioHeroe is a person concerned about the environment and committed to its sustainability, motivated to promote sustainable lifestyles and raise awareness about bio-based products, while contributing to make the bioeconomy a strong alternative economic model.
At least 2 messages were launched every week on the different social networks of the project (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram), and on some partners’ networks. The messages focused on motivating and encouraging the community in social media to become a BioHeroe, highlighting how important is to create awareness about the bioeconomy and bio-based products.
In addition, during the campaign we also commemorated International Days and other memorable dates relevant to our campaign, as World Soil day, Human Rigths day, COP25 and Christmas Eve, to increase the visibility of our posts through using trendy hashtags.
The engagement of our campaign can be summarised in the following indicators:
BioHeroes is not an activity with an expiration date; Our goal is that this community continue growing and expanding. Everyone is cordially invited to be a BioHeroe.
Join our community of BioHeroes if you’d like to make our world more sustainable by disseminating bio-based products one at a time.
Unity makes strength, we will reach our objectives only with your help.
Meet our BioHeroes and more information HERE