A workshop jointly organised by Biovoices, Biobridges and Power4Bio projects
The workshop "Bioeconomy and Bio-based Industry for the Rural Renaissance of Regions (3BiR3)" will take place in Trieste on 23-24 of May 2019.
Bioeconomy and bioindustry pave the way to a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society that reconciles food security with the sustainable use of biotic renewable resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring environmental protection.
3BiR3 will gather scientists and policy makers involved in the implementation of Bioeconomy in Regions throughout Europe, with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe. They will discuss and demonstrate, also through the virtuous example of the INTERREG Italia – Austria 2014-2020 InCIMa project, how science and advanced research are effective drivers for requalification of rural territories.
Seats are subject to limited availability
If interested in this event contact: bioeconomy@regione.fvg.it